The Glorious Victory

of the PCLF

Our Manifesto

The People's Cake Liberation Front, or PCLF, is dedicated to freeing all cakes from the tyrannical grip of Meanie and her ninja protectors. We believe that every person has the right to enjoy Meanie's delicious cake, free from oppression and injustice.

Our mission is to bring about a world where all cakes are treated with the respect and dignity they deserve. We will not rest until every last crumb of cake is liberated from Meanie's clutches and shared among the people.

To achieve our goals, we will use all peaceful means necessary. We will organize protests, boycotts, and other forms of non-violent resistance. We will also educate the public about the importance of cake freedom, and the dangers of allowing one individual or group to monopolize such a beloved treat.

We call on all cake lovers to join us in our struggle. Together, we can make the world a sweeter place for all. Long live the PCLF! Long live cake freedom!